mindrender illucia duel deck

mayo 22, 2023 0 Comments

Strong targeting battlecry minions? There you have it, the best Duels decks in Hearthstone at this time. Playing Survival of the Fittest on turn five. XL Control Priest - #40 Legend (TicTac) - Return to Naxxramas; Against control is meh(depending of what you are against? The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! From her interactions during Duels, Illucia appears to be an very strict teacher of shadow magic with an abrasive and dominating personality. 4 Cabal Acolyte x 1. Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. As you play more games, your deck gets stronger and stronger thanks to card drafting & picking extra powerful treasures or passives. Lady Illucia Barov was the wife of Lord Alexei Barov and the mother of Jandice Barov. Obviously it is Quest Priest. Your signature treasure gives you some late-game potential but you need to exert as much pressure as possible, as early as possible, to perform well with this deck. You would just have to be sure your valuable cards either werent in hand or were already played. ), Deck code: AAEBAaIHD9QF7gb7D5LoA6rrA6aKBJSfBK2gBK+gBIqwBLLBBIrJBP3TBJjbBJrbBAAA. 3 Shadow Madness x 1. What is the strategy, you ask? Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Priest larry3141, Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Priest Not Rain, Hearthstone Top Legend Decks for Festival of Legends | Weekly Report #215, Arcane Giant Kingsbane Rogue #2 Legend Edomiyu (Score: 28-16), Questline Druid #9 Legend kirayamatoXV (Score: 22-11), How to use Deck Codes in Hearthstone | Import & Export, Top Hearthstone Reno Decks Played at Legend (Standard & Wild), Hearthstone Duels Heroes, Hero Powers & Signature Treasures & Top Decks. , Whatever, is still good. Board control is an afterthought with this deck: just try to keep things manageable, as you will be the one with inevitability in almost every matchup. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Druid RamonLH_HS, Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Vanndar Stormpike (8493 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Reno Jackson (7423 MMR), Hearthstone Top Legend Decks for Festival of Legends | Weekly Report #215, Arcane Giant Kingsbane Rogue #2 Legend Edomiyu (Score: 28-16), Questline Druid #9 Legend kirayamatoXV (Score: 22-11), Hearthstone Dust Refund: Find all nerfed cards with only one Keyword. There is also Beaststalker Tavish to provide further staying power. The goal of this Hearthstone Mill Priest OTK combo deck is to use Mindrender Illucia combined with Keening Banshee! Once you summon Il Blud, you can use its effect to Special Summon Goblin Zombie from the Graveyard. Why take other peoples cards when yours are better? Shortened name is now Illucia (previously: no name). Find the newest and best Duels Decks - All featured Decks got 12 Wins in Hearthstone Duels! Again, this is one of those archetypes that have been around since the beginning of Duels, and some of the nicer additions from the later sets added extra staying power to this deck. ), Deck code: AAEBAaoID+AG1g/HwQK60gLhzAOczgOn3gOK5AP67APblAT5nwT6nwTCrAS8tgSZ2wQAAA==. Not every Buddy should be in first position, therefore Leeman and Bene needs to act clever. Original list from Goku who played it #2 legend. Mindrender Illucia for the win! ), Deck code: AAEBAbGaBQ+foQP8owPizAPdzQOz3gO63gPO3gOG4gOV7QPK+wOqigS8igShjQTYowSOpAUAAA==. I have killed some of my opponents with the shard, like 6 so far, but that is not the secret of this deck. For example, The opponent last turn took 5 fatigue damage. If the opponent has direct damage spells, you should almost always cast them to limit their kill potential. At the start of the player's turn, the decks switch back and the player takes 4 fatigue damage. Hearthstone Runestones: What are they, how to get them & more. Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. ), Deck code: AAEBAZ8FD4wB3QrK0QOR7AOL+AOoigSwigTgiwSLjQTunwTJoATWoASlrQSwsgSS1AQAAA==. Then draw 1 card. 2 Shadow Word: Death x 1. Use it for yourself. Then they can just see what removal to play around. I cant wait to play her. Its okay, very overhyped, but it has potential. How to disable personalized shop offers in Hearthstone? Ok, lets get serious. 2 Shadow Word: Pain x 1. Also there are few ways to play around clearboards, your minions has specific stats that you cant change so you cant really save yourself from Mass Hysteria or Dragonfire Potion no matter what you do. Since the deck has a good foundation for a control deck, you can never go wrong with any of the offered card pools, leading to a comfortable 12-0 Duels run. (Also because I love her so much :D), Youre clearly a priest player and Im not surprised one bit that youre excited to use this cancerous card lol. Other than that they might just waste one or two control spells, big deal. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. It is an aggressive deck now, and can pump out quite a bit of damage. 3 Nazmani Bloodweaver x 1. Against slower decks, Illucia can be used late in the game to steal important threats like Hero cards and big minions. Nice Imps! Created: 8/6/2021 (United in Stormwind) View in Deck Builder Copy Deck For keman Registered User 5 5 Battle Tag: N/A Region: N/A Total Deck Rating 12 Check out this Spell Priest Hearthstone deck for the United in Stormwind expansion. It can also completely destroy combo decks, wasting combo cards like Kael'thas Sunstrider and Archmage Vargoth at no value to them. The list is endless. After choosing their Hero Power, the player can choose one of these following Signature Treasures to be added to the starting deck. So you gain nothing from swapping with bran. You play an incredible amount of cheap spells to burn your opponent down. Similarly to the popular Drekthar strategies, this deck revolves around playing powerful Rush synergies and buffing the minions in play to set them up for great tempo power plays. Would laugh if you made someone shuffle albatrosses into their own deck. As long as you optimize your mana usage and maximize your tempo, you should be okay. Go hurl yourself off a bridge. Meme card. So you play Exodia? Against fast decks, an early Illucia can allow you to steal your opponents coin and cause them to lose their entire next turn if your hand is full of high cost cards. Additionally, you will only have up to seven mana to use while your opponent will have up to ten. Home Cards Ability Minion Weapon Hero Hero Power Location Core Set Classic Voyage to the Sunken City Murder at Castle Nathria March of the Lich King Festival of Legends Card Back Gallery Card Tooltips Decks Hot Standard Decks Hot Wild Decks Hot Classic Decks Hot Budget Decks Theres two triggers so there should be two until your next turn effects too. It is still one of the weaker classes in the format, but serviceable if this is your favorite to play with! You have incredibly strong starting treasures and Hero Powers to make this the game mode with the highest power levels in Hearthstone. In Duels, you'll choose a Hero, a Hero Power, a starting Treasure, and build a 15-card starter deck from your collection before facing off against a series of worthy human opponents Dungeon Run -style! You dont play around them since youre control and youre reacting to their plays. Wildpaw Cavern and Azsharan Scroll give you a lot of juice to work with. Discover cards? Combo: Equip a 2/2 Dagger. It shouldnt be nerfed but more of they should fix the system on which cards like this work cause it clearly should swap back twice as the triggers happen separately. If you can give an Aggro opponent a bunch of cards they cant play while you use up their hand, it is great. Oh God I can just imagine the combo breaking potential of this card. After choosing Mindrender Illucia, the player can choose one of these as their Hero Power. Hearthstone Dust Refund: Find all nerfed cards with only one Keyword. Any added spell synergies will make this build even stronger as you progress through your run. Hearthstone Wiki's database has been updated to Patch! 3 stars maybe?, Hearthstone's Best Arena Hero Class Tier List. Illucia makes people suffer. Mindrender Illucia's effect does not switch. So yeah, be catious. Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? You might be looking for one of these cards: Infiltrator Lilian. You start by picking your Hero, Hero Power and Signature Treasure, then build a 15 cards deck to take into rogue-like adventure against other players. The best deck for Priest in the current Hearthstone meta is Aggro Shadow Priest. 12-2 let's go It turns out casting your first spell twice is a little bit op pic.twitter.com/x49rnKmAsr, The author didnt add any Information to his profile yet. Advanced Duels Guide - With Example Decks And Treasure Tier Lists! Just make sure to pick up enough anti-aggro tools. Theres two potential OTK decks in this expansion so it might even be very effective tool. In my opinion is WAAAY stronger to destroy any plan the enemy has than you losing a basic clearboard from hand. If it lives, it gains +2 Attack, if it dies, gain 2 Armor. A highlander control deck with Zephrys the Great, it relies on Priests incredible survival tools and Druids mana cheating to finish off the games. She is my favorite card from this expansion! Looks like you took care of my earlygame minionsdoesnt matterILL USE YOURS! Damage spell? Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. This is gonna tilt things sooooo hard. It is very doable, though, and it is really tough to stop Omus card discounts once they get rolling. This is very good and it was a MUST in this game. Deck code: AAEBAea5Aw/gvAPyyQPz4wPC8QOJ9wOK9wPT9wOEjQS2nwTsoASOsASEsgSYugT7vwTAygQAAA==. Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? The secret is to keep or discover in your deck Mindrender Illucia. Queen Azshara serves as your emergency reserve. Yeah I love Priest Especially since they buffed Shadow Madness and Thoughtsteal! Your Hero Power lets you cheat out some extra minions to make the completion even faster. ), Deck code: AAEBAR8P/KMDnssDs94D6ukD8OwDyvsDlPwDoY0E25EEqZ8E2KMEwLkE57kEg8gEjqQFAAA=. 4 Holy Nova x 1. Your hand and deck gets swapped back the next time you take a turn. Quest and Control Priest exist in some form, but they aren't very good. I think Tempo or Zoo Priest will finally be official, because you can give your opponent the fast cards while you can get thecontrol cards. casting your opponent's. Signature treasure: Royal GreatswordHero Power: From Golden Light (2 mana Summon a friendly minion that died this game with 1 health. Regardless, Well Deserved Hyped card if you know what your doing. Mindrender Illucia Archives - Hearthstone Top Decks Articles Cards Battlegrounds Recommended videos Powered by AnyClip AnyClip Product Demo 2022 The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. Even using cards inefficiently, like a Shadow Madness just to hit face or Edwin VanCleef with hardly anything on his Combo is fine, since this removes those cards from your opponent. These Duels Decks often are the top Meta Decks for the mode! And again. Enjoy your Duels runs and best of luck getting to 12 wins in Heroic! Battlecry:Swap hands and decks with your opponent until your next turn. Its also scary that Control Priest can use this to waste combo decks pieces, eliminating that weakness. Hearthstone's new expansion is finally available and, with that, a new Duels meta is going to emerge. If you do, you can wait till your opponent Warlock or Mage completes their quest. The goal of this Hearthstone Galakrond Thief Priest OTK combo deck is to use Mindrender Illucia combined with Octosari! Copy Deck Code. Link BBCode Deckbuilder Image. Card set: TB Cycle: Duels Hero dbfId: 63474 Card id: PVPDR_Hero_Omu Forest Warden Omu is a druid hero the player can choose in Duels . The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! 4 Brittlebone Destroyer x 1. If there are a bunch of midrange decks, like Embiggen Druid, this might end up taking one of their minions while they use up a removal and Illucia did likenothing. Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. Tempo Priest will use it for sure. Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. Not every Buddy should be in first position, therefore Leeman and Bene needs to act clever. The Practical Duels Guide - How To Go Infinite In Heroic Duels! Signature treasure: Brewster, the BrutalHero Power: No Guts, No Glory (1 mana Deal 1 damage to a minion. Anything you generate will be given back to your opponent. Class: Priest - Format: phoenix - Season: season-77. If this kills a minion, summon a Mana Wyrm. I could be wrong though. If you trigger this effect twice it naturally triggers the until your next turn on two separate times as well. Pirate Warrior things. So itll be turn 10 for them and they can try and take away your Kelegos for example. Duels is one of Hearthstone 's smaller game modes, a sort of PvP Dungeon Run where you start with a fifteen-card starting deck and keep adding treasures and more buckets to it as you progress.. Welcome to the new site :) . Hearthstone Wiki's database has been updated to Patch! Mindrender Illucia is a legendary priest minion card, from the Scholomance Academy set. But I think there WILL be a Meta where she is the Ultimate Card and I rate her bravly 5 Stars! 4 Stars. Signature treasure: Shadow Word: VoidHero Power: Mind Tether (Passive After you play a spell, deal 1 damage to the enemy hero. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Add in it would be hilarious to play if your hand was empty and its even more amusing. If Paladin is Top Tier, she eats their Librams. It has a lot of sustainability due to the lots of low cost cards, that can help you make it to late game, and also generate lots of value due to discover new spells, such as Pandaren Importer, Entrapped Sorceress and Venomous Scorpid. With this card, we dont have to say that we MUST have hyper-aggro to hold the combo players back. Today, Blizzard announced the upcoming 18.0.2 balance patch, and it looks like we landed two predictions correctly: Kael'thas Sunstrider and Mindrender Illucia are both getting a whack from the . Hearthstone Duels Deck: 12 Win Priest (Mindrender Illucia) by Ail_hswild (Mind Tether | Shadow Word: Void)

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mindrender illucia duel deck